26 nov 2009

The ones we miss, the ones we don´t.

What makes people a good employee… according to me!

Last night, we were talking among other things about all the people that have helped us in projects since our company started. We remember a few because we really missed them when they left, and others because we were so happy they left, we almost made a party.

I was a lousy employee when I was one. But after being a “boss” for many years I think I will now be a fairly decent employee. (Same when you start driving, you suddenly become a very good pedestrian. You are aware of what bad pedestrians do and endanger their lives quite stupidly.)

These are some of the things I leaned:

Good employees help solve problems, bad employees create problems. I have so many many things in my mind, that what I appreciate the most is someone taking some of the load from me. When employees complicate the simple, or interrupt me to tell me some really silly problem, it’s really annoying.

Good employees work even when I am not watching. Bad employees need me to be on their back all day in order to achieve minimum goals. The typical bad employee spends most of his/her day chatting, doing homework or working in their second job, the funny thing is that they all think I´m stupid and don´t know.

Good employees tell the truth even when things are bad, bad employees will always lie and say everything is perfect and suddenly resign when they can’t keep up the lie. As a manager, when there is trouble in a project, and you know it soon, you can do something about it. As an employee you will never be punished for raising issues when they come. Hiding it and resigning the day before the dead line is the best example of a bad employee.

Good employees know they still have to do their jobs, even if I am friendly to them. Bad employees assume they can stop doing what they are supposed to because they share a beer or lunch with me. I finally learned my lesson and no longer share any beer with any employee. Have to say I learned it the hard way.

Good employees will help with ideas and new perspectives when a decision needs to be made, but then follow my lead even if they don’t understand or agree. Bad employees always want to do what they want and fight every single day about it. You cannot lead a team that does not understand you are the leader. In my experience, it happens a lot with very young employees (like a pack of teenagers fighting their parents).

I have a mental list of all my employees. They are listed in good or bad employees. But, why keep the bad ones? Well… It’s all about the money. Some times it’s cheaper to keep the bad ones that finding new ones, training them and taking the risk they are worst employees than the ones I already have.

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