While developing custom software with a difficult client, it is frequent to see inexperienced Project Managers thinking their job is to fight the client.
I read The Art of War many years ago, but it took me a while to understand most of it. In war, all sides lose much. You must only go to war if you have certainty you will win, and that you will win will be more valuable to you than what you will lose. These three simple concepts have to be in the mind of anyone dealing with a client.
Fighting and conflict might win a small battle but will get you into losing the war. You need to pick your fights since having constant communication and being able to negotiate with the client is one of your main responsibilities as a Project Manager.
A Project Manager should not fight, but solve problems. Use force and conflict only if it's the only way, you have certainty you will win and are sure that what you will get is more than what you will lose.